Palliative Care Course
There is a need to ensure that our Health Care Providers are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage the terminal patient holistically.
Palliative medicine is the care given to patients at the end of life when much else has been tried, often over many years, & now their need is for comfort, dignity, a sense of usefulness, a respect for their person and a reaffirmation of life.
The course consists of power point presentations and group discussions.
This palliative care update will increase the skills of nursing staff to care for patients in their final stages of life.
At the end of the program participants will have a better understanding of the following ;
- Challenge of palliative medicine, including definition, history & death in modern society.
- Communication in palliative care and education of the family.
- Cultural & spiritual issues in palliative care.
- Emotional problems in palliative care
- Assure that optimum nursing care is provided to the dying patient in a hospital setting.
- Palliative care aspects of terminally ill patients.
1 day
Palliative Care handouts
Written and skills tests are required for course completion.
Emergency Care Education Palliative Care Course Certificate