Medical Emergency Course
Time is of the essence when dealing with a seriously ill medical patient.
There is an urgent need to ensure that medical staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage these scenrios.
Course Format
The update will take part as a series of modules which will consist of interactive lectures, group discussions and practical skills stations with manikins.
The candidates will be provided with manuals & handouts prior to the commencement of each module.
Course Objectives
The purpose of the course is to provide the candidate with the skills to be a valuable team member in the resuscitation of any patient. Medical emergencies are team orientated and time dependent - thus lend themselves well to protocols and guidelines. The teaching will be in accordance with latest international guidelines.
Upon completion of this course the candidate will be able to;
a)Describe the concepts and principals of primary, secondary & ongoing assessment of the medical patient
b)Establish management priorities of the seriously ill patient.
c)Maintain a patent airway & commence positive – pressure ventilation with a BVM when spontaneous breathing is inadequate or absent.
d) Infection control - understand the concepts of management of bloodborne pathogens
1 day
Medical Emergency handouts
Written and skills tests are required for course completion.
Emergency Care Education Medical Emergency Certificate