Disaster Management Course
Course need
Management of mass casualties needs to be well planned in advance with a multidisciplinary team. Good inter-organizational co-operation & communication is essential for mass disaster management.
Disaster management principals include ;- prevention, planning, preparedness, response & recovery.
There is a need to ensure that hospital staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a mass casualty incident.
Course Format
The update will consist of interactive power point presentations, group discussions, practical skills demonstrations, and tabletop exercises.
Candidates will be provided with handouts and the objectives of the course prior to the commencement.
The workshop will be conducted over 7 hours.
Course Objectives
The purpose of the course is to provide the nurse and healthcare provider with the skills and insight to be a valuable team member in the triage & management of a mass casualty disaster event.
Upon completion of this course the candidate will be able to;
a)Describe the concepts and principals of a mass casualty disaster incident.
b)Establish management priorities in the event of receiving mass casualty victims.
c) Understand and be able to apply the principles of triage.
d) Have insight into mechanism of trauma & apply the this understanding when assessing disaster victims.
1 day
Disaster handouts
Written and skills tests are required for course completion.
Emergency Care Education Disaster Management Certificate